Why Partner?

Position Yourself as the Industry’s Go-To Provider by Partnering with the LNP Characterization & Analytical Development Summit

Experts specializing in LNP analytical development are seeking innovative and efficient tools to tackle challenges in quantifying and analyzing encapsulation efficiency, payload distribution, co-formulated payload ratios, potency, endosomal release, and more. Can you offer the solutions?

The 2nd LNP Characterization & Analytical Development Summit is the premier global platform to showcase your services and products to leading experts in the characterization and analytical development community, gathering this November.

Partnering with us will elevate your company’s capabilities and highlight your brand in front of 60+ senior leaders at the forefront of LNP product characterization and analytics.

2nd LNP Characterization & Analytical Development

Generate stronger business leads by taking part in speed networking and 1-2-1 meetings with LNP leaders, speeding up your prospecting to chase down your partnering objectives

2nd LNP Characterization & Analytical Development

Raise awareness and educate on the USPs of your technology to position it in the minds of those growing this field

2nd LNP Characterization & Analytical Development

Collect key market feedback by diving headfirst into our collaborative sessions where you will rub shoulders with your prospects to gather their thoughts and influence your future strategy

Who Attends?

2nd LNP Characterization & Analytical Development
2nd LNP Characterization & Analytical Development

Our Community Members:
