Heinrich Haas

Company: NeoVac
Job title: Chief Technology Officer
Panel Discussion: Benchmarking Gold Standard Analytical Sample Preparation Standards To Mitigate Variability 2:45 pm
Preparing a lipid nanoparticle sample which is representative of the true sample to avoid discrepancies Establishing a process to ensure the entirety of the sample is being quantified to ensure maximal control Standardizing sample preparation, material handling and method robustness to increase the reliability of analytical practicesRead more
day: Conference Day One
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Examining the Quantification Metrics Available To Characterize Size, PDI & Zeta Potential of Lipid Nanoparticles 9:00 am
Outlining the technology available to quantify the size and zeta potential of the lipid nanoparticle within a sample Analyzing size dispersity with the target site central to discussion to ensure maximal uptake through the pores Creating novel quantitative biophysical characterization techniques, magnifying size and structure, as well as dynamic propertiesRead more
day: Conference Day One